
Cultivating Community Wellness with Outside Lives

Date: 03/04/24

Cultivating Community Wellness with Outside Lives

At iON Consultants, our employees are given two days of paid leave to dedicate their time to a cause they personally care about. Vicky, our Business Support Manager, decided to spend her two days volunteering with Outside Lives, a community-led social enterprise based in Flintshire, North Wales. Outside Lives brings community members together around common interests and organises events to promote personal wellbeing and environmental conservation. The initiative aims to build resilience and resourcefulness in the community so that its people and nature can thrive. 

Vicky took part in an Outside Lives planting programme in her local area. She spent the day planting fruit and vegetables for the community. Growing fruit and vegetables locally reduces food miles and carbon emissions, so Vicky's decision to support this programme was very much in line with our company-wide values. 

The programme was designed not only to promote a sense of wellbeing but also to increase local access to fresh, seasonal and healthy produce. Working as part of a team of volunteers enabled Vicky to meet new people in her local area. Together, they supported the growth of a more self-sustaining and connected community. Reflecting on the day, Vicky said: 

“My day was extremely rewarding. Everyone made me feel welcome, and I was proud to give something back to the community. I’m looking forward to returning to the allotment to check on the tomatoes!” 

Visit Outside Lives to find out more about Outside Lives. 

Read more insights here. 

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